Puff, Puff, Give…






Puffs are the angry baby neutralizer!  My daughter, Maren, just started eating real food not too long.  She’s 10 months old, walks, babbles, screams, eats, and poops!  But, like all of us, the screaming can be neutralized by EATING.  And there’s nothing better than these baby puffs!  We just stick her in her high chair when she starts to scream, pour out a mile high puff pile, and let her feed herself to sweet sweet silence.  These were the same snack that inspired my son, Lincoln, to crawl.  So while everyone’s trying to hoard Lysol wipes, N95 masks, and hand sanitizer, we’ve been stock piling on these blue tubes of baby relaxers.  Baby anxiety?   Puff, puff, give, baby.