Ava Max Released Her Debut Album And It’s Fire

(Photo by Jacob Mitterling)

Birthday Bash alum Ava Max released her debut album last Friday and we couldn’t be more proud! Seeing her grow from her smash hit “Sweet Buy Psycho” to where she is now is incredible. Ok enough gushing, let’s get into the deets!

So the album is called Heaven & Hell and it has a different meaning than you think. Ava explained to People.com that “‘Heaven & Hell is not a religious thing. It’s more so the emotions we go through, the ups and the downs, the highs and the lows, the dark moments, the light moments, the happy moments, the sad moments. Everything in between.”

So her album is more of a mood than anything. Feeling positive or empowered? Listen to the Heaven side. Feeling frustrated or moody? Listen to the Hell side. My faves include Kings & Queens, Tattoo, and Who’s Laughing Now!

She even released a video for her new song “Naked.” It totally gives me Sia at Halloween on a space ship vibes if you know what I mean.

Samantha Ripperger