Yes, Jackson Was A Sour Patch Kid For Halloween

I’m not proud of many things I do. Most of my life, I spend joking around and having fun and being serious only when ABSOLUTELY necessary… which I guess I’m proud of but that’s another story. This year for Halloween was upsetting. Due to COVID19, I didn’t want to be going out to college parties at Ball State so it was a very low-key night but I was determined to not make my costume low key.

As many of you know, Sour Patch Kids are my absolute favorite candy #NotAnAd. #ButIAlsoKindOfWantItToBe. I created my very own sour patch kid costume since actual ones were like $70. Yes, they are real sour patch kids. No, I would not eat them unless you like the taste of two pounds of Elmer’s Glue as well. Side note, the glue made the costume surprisingly heavy as well.

ANYWAY, I have a podcast called Two Faces For Radio and it would mean the world to me if I was able to be sponsored by my favorite candy. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the purpose of this costume. Sour Patch Kids Marketing Director and or CEO and/or whoever makes this decision, if you’re reading this, I believe myself and my podcast would make a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for your consideration!

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